Create New Panel Fields

Create New Panel

The following displays on the Create New panel:

  • Type: The main classification group for all cases. Begin typing to generate a filtered list of case types; the more you type, the narrower the list of case types becomes. You can also click Case Type Lookup to the right of the field to open a selection window.
  • Clear: Click to clear all the information that has been entered on this panel.
  • Sub Type: If used, subtypes can help organize the list of case types. Begin typing to see only those subtypes associated with the selected case type, or click Sub Type Lookup to open a selection window listing the subtypes. If the case type selected does not have any subtypes associated to it, the Sub Type field is grayed out.
  • Project Code: A custom identifier used to group and link multiple cases into the same project. A project code is not required to create the case, but may help organize and track related cases. Click Lookup Project Code to the right of the field to select a project from the predefined list.
  • Location: The geographic location or address; this field has a character limit of 80. After entering the address or location in the field, click Locate. See Geocode a Location for more information.
  • X and Y: These fields automatically populate when the address is geocoded using the Locate button. If there is an asset attached to the case from the map, then the X and Y fields automatically populate with the asset’s coordinates.
  • Tag: This is a free-form label for the activity this case is associated with. This is not a required item, but can be useful in tracking and organizing large projects that comprise many different cases.
  • Number: This field displays when you create a related child case. If the permit being created is assigned to automatically assign a permit number, this field grays out when the case type is selected. However, if the permit being created is not assigned to automatically assign a permit number, a unique case number must be entered.
  • Accepted By: This is the login ID of the person who accepts the case. Click the Lookup icon to open a selection window. Select the desired Login ID and click Submit.
  • Accepted Date: The current date loads into this field automatically; however, the date may be changed by using the calendar icon.
  • Case Count: Enter the number of cases you wish to create. Leave this field blank to create only one case.
  • Skip Intake: Select the check box to bypass the application input page and go directly to the summary page.
  • Case per Asset: Select this check box to create a case for each asset selected on the map. Selected assets can be associated to the permit from the Address panel on the application input page. Additional addresses may also be added on the summary page. See Add an Address for more information.

Existing Parent Case Fields

NOTE: This section only appears when you are creating a child case. See Create a Related Child Case for more information.

  • Type: This automatically populates with the case type of the parent case.
  • Subtype: This automatically populates with the case subtype of the parent case.
  • Number: This automatically populates with the number of the parent case. Type the number or use the Lookup icon to the right of the field to open a selection window.
  • Qty: Enter the number of child cases you wish to create. Leave this field blank to create only one child case.